Updated: July 21, 2024

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Gemma: Open Models Based on Gemini Research and Technology

Title and Authors

  • Title: "Gemma: Open Models Based on Gemini Research and Technology"
  • Authors: Gemma Team, Google DeepMind

Abstract Summary

The paper introduces Gemma, a series of lightweight, state-of-the-art open models derived from the Gemini models. These models showcase robust performance across various benchmarks in language understanding, reasoning, and safety, highlighting the critical role of responsible large language model (LLM) releases for safety and innovation.

Key Concepts

  • Large Language Models (LLMs)
  • Model scaling (2 billion and 7 billion parameters)
  • Performance evaluation across multiple benchmarks
  • Safety and responsibility in AI
  • Open-source availability for research and development

Problem Statement

The main problem addressed is developing efficient, scalable, and safe large language models that can be openly accessed for further research and application development, focusing on improving safety standards and innovation in the field of LLMs.

Methods and Techniques

Methods and Techniques:

  • Data Training: Trained on up to 6 trillion tokens using techniques inspired by the Gemini model family.
  • Architectural Innovations: Implementation of improvements like Multi-Query Attention, RoPE Embeddings, and GeGLU Activations.
  • Fine-Tuning: Both models were fine-tuned for dialogue, instruction-following, helpfulness, and safety.
  • Evaluation: Comprehensive benchmarks for quantitative and qualitative analysis, including performance comparisons with other models.

Key Results

  • Gemma models outperform similarly sized models in 11 out of 18 text-based tasks.
  • Demonstrated advancements in safety and responsibility in model deployment.
  • Provided extensive evaluations and comparative performance metrics (see Fig. 1 in the document for a visual comparison).

Benchmark Overview

The paper provides detailed comparative performance benchmarks of the Gemma models against other models. Here are some key findings from the benchmark evaluations included in the document:

Models compared with

  • LLaMA 2 (7B and 13B)
  • Mistral (7B)
  • Gemma (2B and 7B)

Key Benchmarks and Results

  1. MMLU (Mathematics and Science):
    • Gemma 7B achieves 64.3% top-1 accuracy in 5-shot settings, outperforming LLaMA 2 (7B at 45.3% and 13B at 54.8%) and Mistral (7B at 62.5%).
    • This demonstrates Gemma's superior capabilities in handling complex reasoning tasks in mathematics and science.
  2. HellaSwag (Contextual Commonsense Reasoning):
    • Gemma 7B scores 81.2% in 0-shot settings, matching Mistral and slightly outperforming LLaMA 2 13B (80.7%).
  3. PIQA (Physical Interaction Question Answering):
    • Again, Gemma 7B scores highly with 81.2%, indicating strong performance in physical reasoning.
  4. Winogrande (Commonsense Reasoning):
    • Gemma 7B scores 72.3% in partial scoring settings, showing competitive performance in commonsense reasoning.
  5. Code-related benchmarks (e.g., HumanEval, MBPP):
    • Gemma 7B excels in code synthesis and problem-solving, with scores like 32.3% pass@1 in HumanEval and 44.4% in 3-shot MBPP, significantly higher than the competitors.
  6. Miscellaneous Tasks:
    • In other tasks such as SIQA, Boolq, and ARC (question answering), Gemma generally matches or exceeds performance benchmarks set by similarly sized models.

These benchmark comparisons emphasize Gemma's overall robustness and versatility across a wide range of tasks, showcasing its state-of-the-art performance, especially in domains requiring advanced understanding and reasoning.

Contributions and Innovations

  • Development of a new family of open models scalable for various applications.
  • Introduction of architectural and training enhancements for better performance and efficiency.
  • Emphasis on responsible deployment and safety of LLMs, aiming to set a standard for future model releases.

Future Work:

The authors suggest ongoing improvements in model safety, training efficiency, and application-specific tuning. They also highlight the need for continued research into the impact of instruction tuning regimes and model development methodologies.


Gemma models are suitable for various applications, including automated customer support, content generation, language translation, and more complex tasks like coding and scientific analysis, due to their enhanced understanding and reasoning capabilities.

Relevant Links

  1. XLA - Optimizing Compiler for TensorFlow
  2. GSPMD: General and Scalable Parallelization for ML Computation Graphs
  3. RoFormer: Enhanced Transformer with Rotary Position Embedding
  4. Preventing Verbatim Memorization in Language Models Gives a False Sense of Privacy
  5. Palm 2 Technical Report
  6. Program Synthesis with Large Language Models
  7. PIQA: Reasoning about Physical Commonsense in Natural Language
  8. The LAMBADA dataset: Word prediction requiring a broad discourse context
  9. Sequence to Sequence Learning with Neural Networks
  10. Attention is All You Need
  11. BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding
  12. Root Mean Square Layer Normalization
  13. Ethical and Social Risks of Harm from Language Models

These links provide access to additional resources and further reading related to the concepts discussed in the paper.

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