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Modverse #32

Yesterday marked Mojo🔥's first birthday 🎂, launching last year on May 2, 2023. We launched with just an online Jupyter environment and have since released the SDK locally for macOS and Linux on arm64 and x86, and bought up our inference and serving stack MAX⚡️. Yesterday we released Mojo and MAX 24.3 to mark the occasion, along with the first community contributions, 32 of which made it into the official changelog. We're so excited to go on this journey out in the open with our amazing community, thank you to everyone who has been participating!

May 3, 2024


Jack Clayton




Modverse #31

Open source contributions are starting to ramp up, thank you so much to the community for embracing Mojo🔥 open source and improving the language!

April 24, 2024


Jack Clayton




Modverse #30

Check out the latest Mojo nightly changelog since latest stable release and diff since the last nightly release.

April 17, 2024


Jack Clayton




Modverse #29

It's been a big week for content and open source contributions, check out everything that's been going on in the ModVerse!

April 10, 2024


Jack Clayton




Modverse #28

Last week we released Max⚡ and Mojo🔥 24.2 along with open sourcing the standard library and launching nightly builds, you can find all the related blogs below. We've already had around 50 PR's raised and 10 merged, thanks for all your interest and contributing to Mojo🔥! We've also been receiving a lot of high quality questions from users experimenting with the standard library, please check it out and ask any questions on the Discord!

April 3, 2024


Jack Clayton




Modverse #27

In addition to Mojo syntax being merged to GitHub linguist, the JavaScript syntax highlighting library shiki has merged a Mojo definition. This is one of the best syntax highlighters for the web, and is also what VS Code uses. If you're building your own website with Mojo code snippets, give it a try!

March 20, 2024


Jack Clayton




Modverse #26

Mojo syntax has been merged to GitHub linguist! This means syntax highlighting will work for Mojo files across GitHub in their next release.The repo containing code for Modular blog posts, videos, workshops, and tutorials has moved to devrel-extras. You can also catch up on old content there, each folder has a README that links to the original content.

March 13, 2024


Jack Clayton




Modverse #24

It's been a quiet week for news across the ModVerse, as we've been busy getting something special ready. Stay tuned for an announcement later this week!

February 27, 2024


Jack Clayton




Modverse #25

Last week, we released MAX Developer Edition Preview to the world! Thank you to everyone who has already tried it out, and for all the feedback. It was also a huge release for Mojo which included the debugger. Make sure to check out the blog posts below for more details about everything we released!

March 6, 2024


Jack Clayton

Laszlo Kindrat




Modverse #23

There is a new proposal for a Mojo project manifest and build tool! It aims to standardize the building of Mojo projects and improve integration with language tooling. We want to do this early to foster collaboration with the open source projects surrounding Mojo.

February 20, 2024


Jack Clayton
